ANSI EIA X12 Preferences

Use this dialog box to select options for the ANSI EIA X12 Wizard, which lets you export project information to other applications that support Version 3040 or Version 3050 of the ANSI EIA X12 Transaction Set 839 Project Cost Reporting.


Attention: For information on how to use the Selected and Secure checkboxes of these options, see Using the Selected and Secure Checkboxes.
Field Description
Export wInsight extended information Select this option to instruct Cobra to export the extended data set. wInsight uses an extended data set for better analysis.
The following are exported from Cobra as extended data:
  • Control account manager
  • Hourly data
  • Future monthly budget
  • ETC
Export variance narrative data Select this option to instruct Cobra to include the variance narrative entries on the IPMR Format 5 when exporting ANSI EIA X12 data.
Export CSSR data Selecting this option instructs Cobra to include the CSSR information when exporting ANSI EIA X12 data.
Suppress exporting the CAM field Select this option to instruct Cobra not to export the CAM field when exporting extended data. This option is available only if you selected the Export wInsight extended information option.
Enforce consecutive forecast periods Select this option to instruct Cobra that if the project is using weekly earned value, the exports will be summarized into monthly periods.
Use yyyymmdd dates instead of yymmdd Select this option to instruct Cobra to export the dates in yyyymmdd format.
Filter unused WBS/OBS codes Select this option to instruct Cobra to exclude WBS or OBS codes that do not contain values from the export process.
Export manpower in: This option allows you to export man power as either FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) or Hours for IPMR Format 4 reports. Selecting Hours creates the IPMR Format 4 using the result code H-Hours on the calculation of resource.
Use alternate code for WBS Use this field to select a number from 1 to 9 that represents the code position on the control account code file that will be used as the WBS. Cobra exports this control account code instead of the code selected for the Control Account Key Field 1. Selecting 1 means that the first code listed as an attached code on the control account is used as the alternate WBS. Selecting 0 means that the Control Account Field 1 position is used as the WBS.
Use alternate code for OBS Use this field to select a number from 1 to 9 that represents the code position on the control account code file that will be used as the OBS. Cobra exports this control account code instead of the code selected for the Control Account Key Field 2. Selecting 1 means that the first code listed as an attached code on the control account is used as the alternate OBS. Selecting 0 means that the Control Account Field 2 position is used as the OBS.
WBS Project Office code Use this field to select a number from 1 to 9 that represents the code position on the Control Account Field 1 (WBS) code file. The code position selected is used to extract the Project Officer data. Selecting 1 means that the code in the first code file position on the Control Account Field 1 code file is used. Selecting 0 means that there is no code in the WBS code file that represents the Project Officer code.
OBS Project Office code Use this field to select a number from 1 through 9 that represents the code position on the Control Account Field 2 (OBS) code file. The code position selected is used to extract the Project Officer data. Selecting 1 means that the code in the first code file position on the Control Account Field 2 code file is used. Selecting 0 means that there is no code in the OBS code file that represents the Project Officer code.